Friday, December 18, 2009

Will more drilling here create jobs and allow us to be less dependent on foreign oil?

Some people argue that drilling more here will not lower the price of gas lets say it doesnt but isnt creating new jobs and having less of a dependence on foreign oil a good thing?

What ever happened to the American way of self reliance?Will more drilling here create jobs and allow us to be less dependent on foreign oil?
You mean Americans are not creative enough to create new jobs that are something other than contributing to the pockets of the greedy oil pigs, bush and cheney included.Will more drilling here create jobs and allow us to be less dependent on foreign oil?
Yes, it would and of course it will lower the cost of gas at the pumps. It will increase supply which will lower prices and commodity traders will start taking their profits which will end speculators driving up prices.

There's a reason for oil companies not drilling on the land that is already leased. Democrats are looking to shift the terms of the debate by arguing it is possible to increase domestic oil production without opening up new lands. The government, they point out, has leased some 91.5 million acres of land and waters for drilling, but federal data show only about a quarter of that is producing oil and gas. Moreover, the portion is shrinking; about 27% of the onshore acres were producing oil and gas in 2007, down from an average of 30.5% in production over the preceding decade.

This is why we have to increase drilling off the coast of FL.
What I don't get is why? Why should we be dependent on foreign oil? Do you want the foreign nations to have control over us? That is the way we are headed. Other nations are getting richer and'; STRONGER AGAINST US';. If we do not drill for our own oil god knows what will happen next. Say the refuse to sell us oil? What do we do then? Scratch our heads and say geesh? as they laugh.

Oil, runs everything in American. We should not be dependent on other nations to survive.

Corn and rice is not the answer either. Hope people are buying stock in food because they will skyrocket next.

Farmers will use most of their land to grow corn and rice for ethanol which in turn will make everything else go up. I mean really up!

(veggies, lack of land) Milk ,bread, cheese, eggs, ect. We feed our animals feed. Don't you think Farmers will be paying higher prices to keep our animals fed? for us to have healthy animals to produce the eggs, cheese, milk and red meat....ect,ect. We will see the price of food soar because of ethanol production. Corn and rice will more then triple and in turn food will triple. We are heading for a great depression. it will come.

So yes, drill in ANWR, off shore, anywhere we can. ';PEOPLE'; should come first.. Not our endangered animals or trees. Wake up!
Creating new jobs would be the only plus. We wouldn't make a dent in the overall oil supply, here or abroad. We export more than a million barrells per day, and if we really wanted to be less dependent on foriegn oil we could export less - and make difference immediately, not in 10 years.
Sounds great. Can you convince the oil companies to start drilling on the thousands of untouched sites they hold leases on?

Notice how not one oil company has come forward to say drilling off shore is the fix for the high gas prices? Because they don't want to drill or build new refineries!
We have 14 years of oil (at present usage), and ten years to get it. By then, hopefully, we will have cars that run more efficiently. It would help to, if we stopped speculators from running the market. If you going to buy petroleum, you should have to pay for it then, or use it, that way the prices won't reflect artificial hype.
Building nuclear power plants creates jobs, creates energy independence, and is a form of clean energy.
The problem is we need to get off oil and advance cleaner energy. So creating a job that will not be needed later would be defeating the purpose.
Drilling machine do not operate by themselves! Dumb dumb
well yes but not much less dependant on oil... we only have 14 years worth to drill, plus it will take about ten years before we actually reach the oil lol
Yes. it will create a lot more jobs.. lets just hope those jobs go to Americans and not illegals!
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