Friday, December 18, 2009

Reseal oil job for a 1990 Porsche 911 Carrera 2 Targa?

What does this mean exactly... I am looking at buying a

1990 Porsche 911 Carrera 2 Targa and the owner said that the car leaked oil and he hasn't done a reseal job to stop the oil leak.

Anyone have the answer?Reseal oil job for a 1990 Porsche 911 Carrera 2 Targa?
Whoa! Stay away from this car! They had MAJOR cylinder head sealing problems! No C2 until 1992, please.

If you MUST have this car, have it checked thoroughly by a qualified Porsche shop. If your car has this known problem, it will cost you an engine disassembly. Not cheap!

Check the build date in the door jamb. If the car was built before June 1991, you have one of the turkeys, definitely.Reseal oil job for a 1990 Porsche 911 Carrera 2 Targa?
A reseal on the engine will be costly (in the thousands $$). This is common on the C2/C4 911's, they all leak in a few areas, but only a drop or two. If its leaking much more than this, then yes, its time for a reseal. Talk to the owner some more and try to get more detailed information about how much the engine leaks and if a Porsche dealer told him its time for a reseal. In any case I would take this car BEFORE you buy to a Porsche dealer and have them check out the leaks, as well as do a PPI (pre purchase inspection) on the car. Good luck, watch for a good porsche and they are worth it : )
Whenever you buy a used car take it to a mechanic to see whats wrong. First rule in owning a Porsche is that it's not cheep to fix.

On a side note I'll never understand why people call your Porsche a 911 when it's a 964
  • windows live
  • Oil jobs in cold lake?

    I'm leaving to alberta on boxing day with my friend and we've been trying to secure a labour job on an oil field but we are having trouble doing so. we wanted to confirm a job for when we got there but everyone wants to meet us in person before they offer us a job. does anyone know how the oil jobs are doing in alberta, particularly cold lake, since thats where we are moving. I've heard a lot of rumers about lay offs and we are just a bit scared that when we get there we wont find work right away. and also I would hate to drive to alberta to get a job that pays 16hr with no over time. what originally made us want to go is we heard the offer contracts for 3 weeks on 1 week off, 18-20hr to start, 12 hour days overtime after 8 and double time on weekends.

    I'm looking for any information anyone can give me about going out there and on the job situation. Any info will help thanks. And 1 more important thing is i'm driving up with my friend, hes got a truck, but I dont have my liscence right now, what do you think the odds are off us scoring a job on the same rig, and will it hinder my chances at getting a job extremely. Thanks for any info you may be able to provide.Oil jobs in cold lake?
    Right now the market is ';soft'; in Alberta so it's really hit and miss in the drilling industry. Even if you live in Cold Lake, that doesn't guarantee that is where the rig will be, they move around all the time.

    There is no such thing as a rig job that pays 16/hr with no overtime, so don't worry about that. Each drilling company works differently, some are 3 on and 1 off, others are 3 on with a day or two off, some are 2 and 2, it just depends who you get on with. Also never heard of double time on weekends. You get over time for anything over 44 hrs/week.

    You also get what's called ';Travelling Time'; which is a daily allowance to help cover your expenses... problem is you don't get that until your first cheque. I think the average now is about $100/day, which is tax free living allowance. I've heard of some guys getting $135/day with that. So when you add that to your wages, your cheques are pretty nice! I'm not sure what lease-hands and roughnecks start out with anymore, but once you work your way up to rig manager, you earn about $1,200/day. Drillers take home somewhere around $5,000 every 2 weeks.

    As for your license, if you don't get on the same rig as your friend, you might have a problem. You could see if someone else on your crew is able to get you to work.

    If you google ';Oilfield Drilling Companies in Alberta'; you will get a list of all the companies. I recommend you call them and ask them if they are hiring and what the forecast is for winter work. I doubt very much you will find anything that is Cold Lake based, but you could try.

    If you do get a job and a couple of those big paycheques, keep in mind that you could be getting laid off any time.. plan ahead!! Can't tell you how important that is. Most young guys get a job and spend like drunken sailors then the rig shuts down and they panic. If you can keep a few months living expenses in the bank at all times, you'll get through any shut-downs no problem.

    Be sure to check with Akita Drilling and Precision.

    Hope this helps.

    Offshore oil rig employment? Anyone know any good sites for oil rig jobs?

    My husband recently decided to pursue offshore oil rig employment so im being a good wife and im trying to find any thing helpful that will help him attain the job he wantsOffshore oil rig employment? Anyone know any good sites for oil rig jobs?
    NOBAMA sez no drilling. Buy little lawnmower cars. No oil. Get a windmill. No drilling. No jobs. No country anymore.Offshore oil rig employment? Anyone know any good sites for oil rig jobs?
    Hello, a couple of months i was looking for the same thing and someone was nice enough to help me out, so i have to return the karma. They recommended a site that would:

    - Help Develop a Great Oil job Resume

    - Get that same resume to over 1000 Oil rig employers

    - they also offer a great free course that provides tips to people seeking employment.

    The best part is that they hold your hand the whole way through. Check out the site:
    I have not seen anything like that in 5 months of daily searching...perhaps contact the major oil companies for employment ?? He will need some kind of experience to even be a ';tool pusher '; - the guy in charge of all the tools/equipment on the rig

    Oil rig workers might be able to help. Looking to find out about jobs using Rope Access Ticket.?

    Son in law has just passed the course but has no idea where to look for work. Any one with any ideas would be most welcome. Thank you. He is currently a HGV tanker driver.Oil rig workers might be able to help. Looking to find out about jobs using Rope Access Ticket.?
    I've been in the oil business for 20 years and never heard of a Rope Access ticket what is it? Is it like a rigging ticket (how to tie knots) If you want a job on a rig, you need an H2S ticket and emergency first aid.

    Edit: Tell me where you are from and where you want to work and I can give you info.Oil rig workers might be able to help. Looking to find out about jobs using Rope Access Ticket.?
    Try (employment links) Report Abuse

    Oil Rig Jobs-Do you know who are hiring?

    Where can I go to get hired on an oil rig? I am looking for an entry level position for my hubby.

    Thanks in advance!Oil Rig Jobs-Do you know who are hiring?
    There are a lot of hits using key words offshore oil rig jobs.

    Here's one:鈥?/a>

    Here's an informative article from a Canadian company, so when you read the dollars they're talking about, keep in mind that $100,000 Canadian = $82,515 US, according to this

    currency converter:鈥?/a>


    Are there jobs for people with Accounting and Finance degrees on Oil Rigs?

    For some reason, I think it would be really cool to work on an oil rig! But, I'm afraid my choice of majors doesn't really lend itself to living on an oil rig... What do you think?Are there jobs for people with Accounting and Finance degrees on Oil Rigs?
    If you want to work on an oil rig you can start as a lease hand at about $ 21.00 an hour. This is physical work, your degrees won't factor in any way. May you can get lucky and get a job as a roughneck for a couple dollars more. Spend a year or two on the rigs, make some money and then get an office job at a drilling company using your degrees would not be a bad option.

    Oil jobs, Mining?

    Does anyone know what is the best way for a career path with oil companies? I think I want to get into GeoScience Technolgy , Drill Tech, HSE or Environmental positions? I have completed University already (Geography and the Environment), but I have no engineering degree (very helpful). What are my chances? Is it really competitive? I have no money to re-invest in schooling and I have many responsibilities now (financial and family).Oil jobs, Mining?
    I think standard oil is hirin
  • windows live
  • Help about Oil jobs in Alberta,Canada?

    we look for heavy equipement operatorHelp about Oil jobs in Alberta,Canada?
    There are all sorts of jobs available. With Canada having enough coal oil from rocks to last a long time the jobs will be there for a long time.

    As a new grad in calgary, what sites are best to look for jobs? and how do i get a job in a oil company?

    im looking for sites where new graduate positions are posted. Also with all the major oil companies in alberta, im trying to get a job with any one of them but applying through their websites have not worked at all, what is another way i can get my foot in the door with an oil company?As a new grad in calgary, what sites are best to look for jobs? and how do i get a job in a oil company?
    Wherever you graduated from should have a comprehensive Career Services website. I know U of C has a good one with lots of job postings.As a new grad in calgary, what sites are best to look for jobs? and how do i get a job in a oil company?
    post your resume in
    Workoplis is a good site. check their ads and post your resume.

    best approach could be to call the oil companies directly and ask. They are craving for warm bodies at the moment so they might appreciate. if they have no open position, ask if you can send your resume to (if in geophysics, ask for the name of the senior geophysicist, is reservoir engineering, ask for the senior reservoir engineer...). You can also try to contact a few recruitment companies who specialise in the O%26amp;G industry.

    Good luck.

    What are some of the best jobs to make money in Alaska, extreme jobs like crab fisherman or oil, or fishing?

    Anything medical.What are some of the best jobs to make money in Alaska, extreme jobs like crab fisherman or oil, or fishing?
    Crab Fishing. But the risk of dyeing is high too.

    Are there carpentry jobs in the oil and gas industry in northern Alberta or BC?

    I am interested in working in a camp (not in town) as a carpenter in northern BC / Alberta (i.e. Fort McMurray). Are there jobs like this available? Any companies I should contact in particular?

    I am doing my first year apprenticeship training now. I don't have a lot of experience, but I will certainly be gaining a lot over the next year.

    Thanks.Are there carpentry jobs in the oil and gas industry in northern Alberta or BC?
    Oh yes! Try Syncrude first, then just start googling jobs in Fort McMurray. I'm in Calgary and they take bus loads of carpenters up there every week and are always looking for more.

    I was wondering how you get jobs working on a Oil Rig?

    I'm currently a Sales Manager and to be honest desperatley needs a change of Enviorment and this is something that is really intresting. As you can tell from my what i do at the momment i don't really have any experince but am willing to do what it takes to get there. Does anyone who curre nly works or know someone who works on an oil rig know what i can do to get there?

    Thanks very Much

    DanielI was wondering how you get jobs working on a Oil Rig?
    You will first need to apply with some of the oil companies that handle the rigs. Then you will need some type of training in it. Some companies provide training and others do not. Google some of the companies and see just what their experience levels are. It's not a job for people persons. If you can't be separated from your loved ones for weeks at a time don't try this occupation.I was wondering how you get jobs working on a Oil Rig?
    This is a great site for searching on oil rig jobs: Report Abuse

    I would think you need a geological or mechanical engineering degree/ experience. If you are bright enough you could possibly get technician job.

    How many jobs would Obama save or create if he would allow off shore oil drilling?

    How many good American jobs would he save if he just stops cutting the Defense Budget. Those weapons systems are made in America by highly skilled American engineers and technicians many of which happen to be Union members. Don't forget their suppliers and shipping companies that support them as well.

    *How many jobs would Obama save or create if he would allow off shore oil drilling?
    He wouldn't create/save enough or any in time. First of all, it takes roughly 10 years to drill offshore and to pump oil. That's not including the time it takes to find an oil reserve.

    Also the price of gas is not high, because we don't have enough oil, it's high because we don't have enough refineries. The hurricanes have battered the majority of our refineries on the gulf coast, that is why gas is so high.

    Jobs would be created in some 15 years, but by that time, the world would have moved on to Wind, Solar, ect. energies. Thus oil would be a poor export. We need to create jobs that will not only benefit our energy policies, but to also be a profitable export commodity.How many jobs would Obama save or create if he would allow off shore oil drilling?
    Not only the jobs but the cost of fuel... I`ts true we need to seek other means of energy but those are years away. They still refuse to allow drilling that will take far less time and help keep the economy moving..Without it there will be millions more jobs lost and I`m sure they will blame that onto someone else too
    A lot. For Americans, well paying, it produces a needed product, is used in the US %26amp; would solve both economic %26amp; political problems.

    But now that would not help Barry's %26amp; the Dems takeover agenda at all, now would it.
    Regardless of the answer to this, it's a band aid on our country's energy independence.

    He could create jobs by starting a third war with Canada, but that doesn't make it a good idea.
    Considering that the oil would help keep gasoline prices lower than without the oil, the added oil will help keep inflation in check.
    Less than the value of an entire marine ecosystem. How is it possible that there are STILL some people who have not accepted that oil is of the past?
    Zero long as the alternatives was Green Energy.

    Green Energy could create way more jobs.
    A couple hundred?
    Not to mention the fact that we would stop funding terrorist regimes by buying their oil.
  • windows live
  • Oil jobs in Texas - who, where?

    Anybody know somebody I can talk to about employment in the oil field in Texas or based out of Texas?Oil jobs in Texas - who, where?
    Since the peak of oil prices last year, the precipitous decline in oil prices has resulted in the closure of many wells and fields, particularly the older ones which were running out and getting very expensive to service. Texas has lots of old wells %26amp; old fields, and little or nothing in new finds. This means worldwide layoffs throughout the industry, but especially Texas, oil shale projects and Canadian oil sands projects. There are thousands of experienced petroleum engineers, riggers, roustabouts, drillers, etc, looking for work right now.

    If you have deep water offshore expertise, Brazil needs people, but if you have the requisite experience and expertise, you already know that.Oil jobs in Texas - who, where?
    Baker Hughes I believe is how you spell it I have some friends that work for them seem to be a good company. Look them up online and good luck!

    Where can i find information on entry level oil rig jobs?

    Activity level is high. If you can pass a drug test, you can basically get an entry level job. You just need to be willing to work where the oil is.

    I would start by looking in local papers of areas where there is traditionally a lot of activity. Oklahoma (Tulsa, Oklahoma City). Texas (Dallas/Ft Worth, Midland, lots of small cities). Wyoming. Colorado. etc.

    I would also contact the following companies who own and operate drilling rigs: Nabors, Patterson, Helmrich %26amp; Payne, Grey Wolf, Unit.Where can i find information on entry level oil rig jobs?
    You may contact Global SantaFe or Naples Offshore Services in Houston. The Lafayette Louisiana yellow pages also has quite a bit of companies that cater to offshore rigs and hires staff to facilitate their services. Check on Secor in Houma Louisiana. They just bought Seabulk Marine. They are begging for workers. Good Luck

    Oil at $120/barrell. Do silly US Senators and Congressmen really think they are going to keep their jobs?

    I expect this from Republicans. But the new Democrats were sent in with a mandate from the American people and they have let the Corporations have their way as well.

    Do US Senators and US Congressmen really think Corporate Hush Money in their Campaign Coffers are going to get them re-elected? Do they really?Oil at $120/barrell. Do silly US Senators and Congressmen really think they are going to keep their jobs?
    Yes, because people still vote for these 2 corrupt parties and play their us against them game. until we finally start electing independents and limit terms nothing will change except the sucking sound from our wallets.Oil at $120/barrell. Do silly US Senators and Congressmen really think they are going to keep their jobs?
    Here's a little secret: Your congressman has just as much control over the price of oil as he does over the price of a car or a large order of fries.

    Your elected officials don't get into office with the intent to screw the people voting them in. It's a relatively easy job with great perks and a pretty good salary. They want to keep their jobs. They're doing all they can. Republicans and Democrats alike.
    Something really does need to be done about oil prices and my solution will make people angry but we need to release our own oil reserves and start refining oil again if we ever want to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. And, I am sorry, but it is democrats who are against this. They want to cry and whine about the environment but we have to do something or the whole world is going to be in a major depression. It is just simple economics....the higher prices to ship goods means higher prices for consumers. If we really want to stop paying outrageous prices for gas, we need to find legislators who are not afraid to stand up against special interest groups and do the right thing.
    I think in the interests of Global Warming and the environment in general, we should stop ALL drilling and exploration of oil, gas and mining of coal in the US. We should import all of our energy needs, paying money to Socialist, Communist and Islamic countries for our energy needs. This will allow them to afford massive armies with the best equipement available. Before long, they will be more powerful than us and will no longer fear us. Then they will have no reason to attack us as we will not pose a threat.
    The rising price of oil is primarily due to the collapsing dollar. This is due to the Republican spending spree of the last 7 years. The Dems have cut oil company subsidies and reduced the deficit but you can't pay off that much debt in one year.

    I'm voting the rest of the Reps out so we can stop all the vetoes and filibusters and get more done.
    it is pathetic that so many know so little about economics, oil prices are controlled totally by the speculators, our oil reserves would not even be noticeable less than 1/2 a day supply. If people a stupid enough to blame politicians that is part of the democrats play book. The owner of big oil are the stockholder and my oil stocks are making me money. Corporations DO NOT PAY TAXES levy taxes against any corporation and all they do is raise the price of the product
    What is the Answer you have sighted a very obvious problem,

    what do you offer as a solution to see De Train Wreck. Do

    we make a refinery magically appear. Do we demand oil

    producing nations who are at maximum output, make more

    magically appear. Competition from other countrys for oil

    has increased 20 fold. And now we are paying the price for

    past administrations Mindless approach to doing nothing

    back when they said they would.. And THank you for your

    honesty and candor,, this is a dem and pub issue,, not just

    one side.. That is why there combined approval rating is

    now 11%. and Bush the sworn enemy of the left is at 28 %.

    Pretty bad on both counts I would say,

    We have alternatives, what we don't have are solutions.

    Our alternatives are pump our own crude,, with no adequate

    refinery space. so we lose there, Devils workshop so to

    speak. There is not a quick fix here I'm sorry,, we are years

    away from the new refinery completion in TX. and we need

    3 more of them. We have to change our habits. If everyone

    who drives a vehicle in this country were to stop for 6 hours

    a week... You could bring down pump prices by 2.00 a gallon

    on a continual basis, But we will never do that,, selfish people

    that we are,, so until then we have to pay the price for bad

    government and leadership and our own stupidity,
    If they left gets its way and creates a so called Socialist Health care plan - Gas will be 12.00 per gallon. Canada has a National health care plan and that's exactly what they pay per gallon. It is a TAX to have this so called plan. A 27 gallon tank will cost you 324.00 - How many poor could afford a job on minimum wage. At $300. a week.

    SUPPLY AND DEMAND - This is driving the price up currently. If the American people would STOP! buying the gasoline and sacrifice the price would drop.

    If the Teamsters would strike - If the truckers would park their rigs and shut down our economy - The price of gasoline would drop. This would force the Government to do something.

    Until the American people STOP purchasing gasoline we will suffer the consequences. If you want something done - you have to do something.
    sure they will keep thier jobs, americans dont vote and that will ensure thier term in office. if we really want the prices lowered we have to show the government that we wont take the price hike. buy a moped or take public transportation, as individuals we have to take a stand in our own ways....
    Wellllll, I wish they would lose their jobs , but whos going to fire them . Nothing changes in this country , I love it here but politicians will always be corrupt and greedy . Were just screwed , maybe if the enviromentalist would let us dig for oil in alaska we would be okay .
    Unfortunately we don't have a choice or voice...they are all the same, none of them care, very few of them have ever had a real job. They have never had to wonder how they would pay the mortgage this month. They spend our money like it was nothing...Congress wanted to give the Pope some kind of expensive award years ago...Ron Paul suggested they all chip in towards this stupid thing and NOBODY wanted any part of that! They'll get re-elected...and if not don't worry, there's a long line of people just like them waiting in the wings!
    As long as the American people remain the most idiotic electoral force on the face of the planet.

    As long as the corp whore media can help whatever politician do the song and dance and the corp whore media to twist the words of any truthful opposition.
    Exactly what do you propose them to do about it ? Speculation and our huge national debt has made our dollar worthless and that more than anything is driving the price higher. America needs to wake the fk up and find alternative fuels and become independent of big oil like Brazil has.
    Oil hasn't gone up.

    The dollar has gone down.

    The price of oil is flat when compared to the price of gold.

    Watch this:鈥?/a>
    They'll keep their jobs. Americans have a very short memory and always blame the wrong people.
    I strongly doubt it.

    I doubt anyone will have a job if it keeps going higher.
    yeah, the Repubs will be a 3rd party after this election
    Do you really feel a new batch of monkeys is going to change the jungle we live in? Be sensible here...
    Obama doesn't want to help. So he needs to go too.
    Yes they do The American public is to lazy to go to the voting booth and make a change that there jobs are secure

    Where can i find entry level jobs in oil refinery in the state of california in the city of los angeles?

    Most are on the South or Southwest side. Chevron in El Segundo, Union and ARCO in Torrance come to mind.

    Does Geothermal Engineering graduates could easily find jobs in oil and gas industry?

    Well, it would depend on each one: a case by case basis. And it also depends on what you understand by ';easily';. How do you translate easily? In terms of time or effort or both time and effort?

    You can try some search on specialized sites:

    Monster is too general I think - but you can try it nonetheless.

    Are you graduating this year or next one :) ? Good luck!

    Will more drilling here create jobs and allow us to be less dependent on foreign oil?

    Some people argue that drilling more here will not lower the price of gas lets say it doesnt but isnt creating new jobs and having less of a dependence on foreign oil a good thing?

    What ever happened to the American way of self reliance?Will more drilling here create jobs and allow us to be less dependent on foreign oil?
    You mean Americans are not creative enough to create new jobs that are something other than contributing to the pockets of the greedy oil pigs, bush and cheney included.Will more drilling here create jobs and allow us to be less dependent on foreign oil?
    Yes, it would and of course it will lower the cost of gas at the pumps. It will increase supply which will lower prices and commodity traders will start taking their profits which will end speculators driving up prices.

    There's a reason for oil companies not drilling on the land that is already leased. Democrats are looking to shift the terms of the debate by arguing it is possible to increase domestic oil production without opening up new lands. The government, they point out, has leased some 91.5 million acres of land and waters for drilling, but federal data show only about a quarter of that is producing oil and gas. Moreover, the portion is shrinking; about 27% of the onshore acres were producing oil and gas in 2007, down from an average of 30.5% in production over the preceding decade.

    This is why we have to increase drilling off the coast of FL.
    What I don't get is why? Why should we be dependent on foreign oil? Do you want the foreign nations to have control over us? That is the way we are headed. Other nations are getting richer and'; STRONGER AGAINST US';. If we do not drill for our own oil god knows what will happen next. Say the refuse to sell us oil? What do we do then? Scratch our heads and say geesh? as they laugh.

    Oil, runs everything in American. We should not be dependent on other nations to survive.

    Corn and rice is not the answer either. Hope people are buying stock in food because they will skyrocket next.

    Farmers will use most of their land to grow corn and rice for ethanol which in turn will make everything else go up. I mean really up!

    (veggies, lack of land) Milk ,bread, cheese, eggs, ect. We feed our animals feed. Don't you think Farmers will be paying higher prices to keep our animals fed? for us to have healthy animals to produce the eggs, cheese, milk and red meat....ect,ect. We will see the price of food soar because of ethanol production. Corn and rice will more then triple and in turn food will triple. We are heading for a great depression. it will come.

    So yes, drill in ANWR, off shore, anywhere we can. ';PEOPLE'; should come first.. Not our endangered animals or trees. Wake up!
    Creating new jobs would be the only plus. We wouldn't make a dent in the overall oil supply, here or abroad. We export more than a million barrells per day, and if we really wanted to be less dependent on foriegn oil we could export less - and make difference immediately, not in 10 years.
    Sounds great. Can you convince the oil companies to start drilling on the thousands of untouched sites they hold leases on?

    Notice how not one oil company has come forward to say drilling off shore is the fix for the high gas prices? Because they don't want to drill or build new refineries!
    We have 14 years of oil (at present usage), and ten years to get it. By then, hopefully, we will have cars that run more efficiently. It would help to, if we stopped speculators from running the market. If you going to buy petroleum, you should have to pay for it then, or use it, that way the prices won't reflect artificial hype.
    Building nuclear power plants creates jobs, creates energy independence, and is a form of clean energy.
    The problem is we need to get off oil and advance cleaner energy. So creating a job that will not be needed later would be defeating the purpose.
    Drilling machine do not operate by themselves! Dumb dumb
    well yes but not much less dependant on oil... we only have 14 years worth to drill, plus it will take about ten years before we actually reach the oil lol
    Yes. it will create a lot more jobs.. lets just hope those jobs go to Americans and not illegals!
  • windows live
  • Is there a fee website to find off shore jobs (oil rigs/boats)?

    been tryin to find a job on an oil rig, or expedition boat, but all sites cost $50-$100 to apply, i don't have the spare money for that, any help will be appreciated. I have also attempted finding some oil companies to apply online, but all seem to use other agencies to hire.Is there a fee website to find off shore jobs (oil rigs/boats)?
    searching for a job is tricky, especially if it's years since you previously did it! I was jobless in recent times, but I stumbled upon the resource in the box below which is very helpful in a lot of ways. By following their helpful advice, in a few weeks I soon got myself a job.Is there a fee website to find off shore jobs (oil rigs/boats)?
    Check craigslist in the area you want to work. For example Texas:鈥?/a>

    Entry Level Jobs In The Oil Industry?

    I'd like more information about this market. Please point me to sites from where I can take it forward.Entry Level Jobs In The Oil Industry?
    Oil industry jobs are both onshore and offshore - e.g., geologist, production specialist, oil rig operator and so on.

    Most entry level jobs in the oil industry are administrative in nature (onshore) where you'll be assisting with the production and official maintenance needs of the company in question.

    Offshore jobs mostly involve oil rigs -- typically the positions on catering assistant or roustabout. Salaries for these positions generally start from US $42,000 per annum, however in many cases the salary will be up to the US $50,000 mark. Factors that can influence your pay include whether the employer pays you a set amount each month for the duration of the contract, or alternatively you may be paid based on how many days you worked on the rig.

    The following site should help you take this forward. Good luck!Entry Level Jobs In The Oil Industry?
    The source link isn't working. This is the updated site: Report Abuse

    You may want to look at the classified ads in the Houston, TX area or the Lafayette, LA area. These are full of opportunities in the oil and gas service area. For working on drilling rigs you may want to try the companies websites: Greywolf Drilling, Rowan Drilling, Nabors Drilling, Key Energy, or Pride Offshore. There are a lot of companies you just have to start looking, but this will get you started. If you want more advise on which is better just let me know. Can offer pretty good advise on companies and career paths.

    No jobs in architecture: Can I use my degree to work in the oil & gas industry?

    I hold an honors degree in Architecture. Due to the economic climate, I cannot find a job with an architecture firm.

    I really need to make a bit of money and so was thinking about trying to get an offshore job.

    Would I need to retrain (apart from survival course) to get a job in the oil industry? Is there a specialism within the oil/gas industry that is relevant to my degree?

    Thanks.No jobs in architecture: Can I use my degree to work in the oil %26amp; gas industry?
    If you mean a hands on job, no the degree won't help and the guys will hate you,and try to make you look bad from the Foreman down because of your previous job. sorry buddy. maybe you could get an admin. job on a rig, or something out there in the engineering. but I know nothing about that end. good luck finding something, time are hard for everyone. I do alot of high rise work in chicago and there are only 6 tower cranes up right now. 900 out of 3000 Ironworkers on the out of work list. I'm getting 2-3 days a week and I'm steady w/the company. We normally have 4 crews of 5 men each and are down to myself, and 1 other guy.No jobs in architecture: Can I use my degree to work in the oil %26amp; gas industry?
    If you do your research and want to get a job in the oil industry there is one spot here in America where you be able to find a job in oil/gas, lookup Gillette, Wyoming on the internet, theres alot of oil/gas jobs out that way. I used to live there, about the only issue is its hard to find housing.
    If you are based in India, do check out the India Study Channel site for jobs in India. It has an excellent database of jobs and an especially good section exclusively for fresher jobs. Use the search tool for jobs related to the architectural field. For example:鈥?/a>

    What exactly is oil & gas technology? What kind of jobs do the people with degree's in this field have?

    Probably a job in the Petro-Chemical Industry. Engineers, designers, operators, and various contractors usually working on site at a refinery.

    Oil and Gas jobs entry level engineering positions ?

    Hi I graduated in mechanical engineering with mechatronics option, i did not do any co-op or internship, and struggled with cgpa which C+, i need serious advice how to get entry level job in oil and gas industry, serious advice is appreciable.

    Thanks Oil and Gas jobs entry level engineering positions ?
    most of the big name oil co are hard to get into because of the high amount of applicants. most of them have a hard 3.2 GPA. But there are a few places that you could start out but you will have to work for them. I would look at the oil and gas service companies. It is not easy work it is HARD work but put 2 years in and you can move into other companies.

    My friend was in the same boat as you. 2.02 GPA and he got a job with Haliburton. I would try these 2 companies and you need to talk about how innovative you are. If you want more advice on getting the first round of interview e-mail me i can help you out..Oil and Gas jobs entry level engineering positions ?
    Apply at places that hire engineers. Southwest Oilfield Products of Houston, Texas might be looking. National Oilwell Varco. Huges Tool. IDM. Some place in the barrnet shale areas around Dallas / Fort Worth. Search for lists of participants in the shale zone and then go knocking.
  • windows live
  • Is working in the oil industry big money? What high paying jobs can I get in this industry?

    (Corrupt) CEO of some huge oil company is a really high-paying job, but good luck with A) Becoming the CEO and B) Not being ratted out.Is working in the oil industry big money? What high paying jobs can I get in this industry?
    yes, depnds on what you do, but there was a boom in houston for jobs for people to work for an oil company, it was a physical type job, they seemed to be taking unskilled workers, but it was a good paying job. i watched it on the news but cant remember the company's name. do some research on yahoo or something and see which oil companies are hiring and for what.

    What do you know about diaz oil company this company looks like sham, they are offering jobs with big bucks ?

    I have searched for the financials of this company , but not avalable, it is also not in the list of Oils companies in Spain, is carying all types of jobs for this company and when we apply this company is just issuing offers without any scrutiny , is this company FRAUD?What do you know about diaz oil company this company looks like sham, they are offering jobs with big bucks ?
    I too have applied and received an offer.I then contacted the Spanish embassy who told me that there is no such company registered with them and also the lawyer firm whom they have asked us to contact. I asked my contacts in Spain to follow up with the company and i was told that the number given was a prepaid mobile number on an answering machine. So i guess you can say it is fraud. I have also informed Naukrigulf to check the credentials of this company.What do you know about diaz oil company this company looks like sham, they are offering jobs with big bucks ?
    look them up on the better business bureaus website

    Why do Dems Outsource Great Paying Oil Jobs to Venezuela, OPEC, & Russia?

    Don't dems care if America families suffer?Why do Dems Outsource Great Paying Oil Jobs to Venezuela, OPEC, %26amp; Russia?
    You've got it backwards. The Republicans believe in outsourcing job to other nations, Democrats believe in keeping them in the US

    Why won't Obama make millions of jobs by drilling for oil, and all the other natural resources we have?

    ......instead of all this stupid business about a stimulus package, and bail-outs, none of which anyone will see until 2010-2011? He could make 100's of thousands of jobs if he'd just start bringing all the natural resources into use for the American people!Why won't Obama make millions of jobs by drilling for oil, and all the other natural resources we have?
    Because a cheap source of oil would make our economy take off, however, he still needs a ';bad'; economy so he can force his socialism on America in the guise of a ';stimulus package!';

    Comrade Obama, a regular Mr. negativity! Nothing positive comes out of his mouth!Why won't Obama make millions of jobs by drilling for oil, and all the other natural resources we have?
    oh my god, why don't you get some education before you

    dare to open your mouth?

    don't even try to interpret obama's plans before doing that.
    because politicians r sick they don't care about the people all they care about to them war = money
    I have a feeling you know very little about politics
    Do the Right Thing? He aint no Spike Lee
    Facts: Destroying the environment to increase our ability to pollute doesn't require as many people as rebuilding all the falling bridges, improving 100 year old schools, or upgrading the power grid for the country (all of which will make us better off in the future).

    Now that the traitors %26amp; draft dodgers are gone, maybe we can get back some of our rights and get out of this Orwellian situation. Loggers in charge of forest protection, oil %26amp; coal people in charge of air quality standards, EPA saying mercury %26amp; asbestos on 9/11 was safe (how much arsenic, cadmium, and chromium did they say was safe in your drinking water?), and and anti-immigrant in charge of immigration. My head still hurts from that.

    Look; keeping people healthy with medical coverage costs less than treating them when they're too sick to work. That includes giving them clean air to breath. Making buildings more energy efficient cleans the air %26amp; saves money later while making jobs now. Building new schools now means better educated people later who may be able to find a way to get jobs back from India %26amp; manufacturing back from China (who happens to have a better political prisoner record than we do right now).

    Why can we spend $100+ Billion attacking Iraq when Afghanistani and Saudi citizens attacked us, yet we freak about $5 billion to make sure everyone has health coverage? Why can we spend $650 billion on military spending (buying nuclear subs for our war in Afghanistan - a land-locked country), yet we have people in this country who can't find Canada on a map (but schools are a waste of money).

    Remember when all the republicans were for drilling everywhere, until W mentioned Florida? Suddenly Jeb thought we should only drill in Alaska (where we probably wouldn't see any oil for years %26amp; then only enough to lower gas prices about 10 cents.

    We were forced to watch for the last eight years. It's time to try something new. I know ';Obama will fail';. No single administration could ever fix the mess W made. Hell, he was so bad Republicans won't even speak his name.

    What are the possible well paid jobs out there in the oil industry for a Geographic information systems?

    Please a website would also be helpful with wages earned and description, the clearing houses are of no good as I have already checked them, and please common ones not ones that are only unique to just one company, any extra information is appreciated. ThankyouWhat are the possible well paid jobs out there in the oil industry for a Geographic information systems?
    LOTS of oil companies use GIS - check jobs for geologic technicians, GIS techs and data management. Check all the oil company (Shell, Exxon, Marathon, Bp, BHP websites for openings...also maybe There are also GIS programs that give you a college degree. Remember that many cities, and utility companies use GIS for data management too. Good Luck - my company is always looking for good techs.What are the possible well paid jobs out there in the oil industry for a Geographic information systems?
    Devon energy. However, I think they are more in the business of natural gas.

    When do you think the oil prices and jobs will get better?

    Not both. Oil prices will rise due to increasing demand as the economy recovers and the job market improves
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  • I'm looking for websites that can give me information on oil rig jobs plz post them if you know any?

    I know of a few jobs like deck hand and steward but i would like to see what others might possible before i decide what to go for thxI'm looking for websites that can give me information on oil rig jobs plz post them if you know any?
    I don't know websites that describe the duties, but I wanted to give you the site for the company I work for because it is a GREAT company.

    Wednesday, December 16, 2009

    Is there a list of jobs, businesses and products being affected by the high oil & gas prices?

    I am doing a report about the affects of the recent high oil and gas prices on our economy. I need a list of the jobs, businesses and products that are being affected.Is there a list of jobs, businesses and products being affected by the high oil %26amp; gas prices?
    Almost everything is being affected by the rising price of gas. For example everything requires shipment to pring it from the manufacterer to the consumer and the cost of shipment has gone up. Fertilizer and tilling the land has also gone up.

    How many high paying jobs will open up with oil exploration and renewed nuclear power within America

    This would be a great opportunity for thousanda upon thousands of

    god paying jobs for working families!!

    ...CHG...How many high paying jobs will open up with oil exploration and renewed nuclear power within America
    Barack is right about one thing, we need ';change.'; Change from the liberal democrats.

    The democrats have stopped us from drilling, stopped us from building refineries, stopped the construction of nuclear power plants and done everything in their power to make sure we are dependent on our enemies for energy. They will bring down the country if given half a chance.

    Their handling of getting us enough energy at reasonable prices should make it obvious that they could care less about the people.

    here is your star.How many high paying jobs will open up with oil exploration and renewed nuclear power within America
    You're acting as though every square inch of the US hasn't already been explored. This is not the first nor is it even the worse ';oil crisis'; that the US has faced. The idea that there is billions of gallons of high grade, easily and economically obtained oil out there is just something to sooth them masses. ANWR, for instance, has enough oil to last about a decade considering current consumption rates. Worldwide oil peak isn't far off. Oil is a finite resource and the oil that we have is not all liquid or easy to get to. If you have to use 1-2 barrels to get 1 barrel, it's hardly worth it.
    I believe thousands of new jobs will be created once we get back on our feet. People will once again to be able to afford to buy a home, new cars, and even go on vacation.Hopefully Americans have finally seen the light with the antics of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and will get those impediments to our common future out on the street where they belong.
    it would create 10's of thousands of high paying jobs

    Oil prices will go up with McCain, jobs will flee to the east and venezuela end up in the hands of russia?

    Do you want that?Oil prices will go up with McCain, jobs will flee to the east and venezuela end up in the hands of russia?
    It won't happen with McCain in charge. Obama would destroy our standing in the word. Carter II. Go read your history.Oil prices will go up with McCain, jobs will flee to the east and venezuela end up in the hands of russia?
    So you think US companies will stop out sourcing under Obama, when he clearly states that he will tax corporations at a higher rate? How does that encourage businesses to stay here? ';Oh, YES! We get to lose our profit share to support the citizen army!'; I think not.
    Taxes will increase on the Middle class, america will be attacked by islam, and thousands of babaies will die through abortion.

    Do you want that with obama???
    Oil went up under democrats because they ended the subsidies oil companies were getting because they didn't want them to be making millions of dollars so now we all have to suffer that policy.

    Where can i find oil jobs?

    i have my rso card... looking for entry level fire watch or anything i can learn ta doWhere can i find oil jobs?

    The website is cumbersome, but they have a lot of jobs in the oil field.Where can i find oil jobs?
    All over the state of Wyoming. Many, many gas and oil rigs. Some in Utah also. Good luck.

    I wanna know about the jobs in oil sector in Alberta.I am currently working as a Planning Engineer in UAE.?

    I have done B.E. in Civil Engineering from Thapar University,Patiala (Punjab) in the year 2006.

    Currently I am working with a MNC in Habshan, UAE for the EPC of pipeline projects OGD III %26amp; AGD II as a Planning Engineer.

    I might be shifting to Canada in April-May, 2008.

    Please advise me where to look for the jobs.

    I searched a lot of job portals but not to much use.

    Should I go for any higher education in the oil %26amp; petroleum sector or can I get my education registered while working here in the coming next months so that I will be able to get some good jobs on landing there.I wanna know about the jobs in oil sector in Alberta.I am currently working as a Planning Engineer in UAE.?
    Here are some web sites specifically for oil and gas industry. Although some are not Canadian specific, you can still learn quiet a bit from these job postings:

    From these sites, you can look for the kind of jobs you might like to pursuit. The job description usually give you a really good idea on what kind of education and trainings they look for in a candidate.

    Good for you to start planning early.

    Best wishes.I wanna know about the jobs in oil sector in Alberta.I am currently working as a Planning Engineer in UAE.?
    Its a secret to get oil sector jobs. Try the oil sector resume posting service which will get you various job calls from MNCs in any country. Go to Report Abuse
  • windows live
  • I want to find out about Oil Jobs in Rock Springs, Wyoming how do I find these jobs?

    Try here:

    lots of jobs!I want to find out about Oil Jobs in Rock Springs, Wyoming how do I find these jobs?
    My dear,

    If you know your job title, it is so easy to do that

    Visit, type in your desired job title and specify your location.I want to find out about Oil Jobs in Rock Springs, Wyoming how do I find these jobs?
    You could apply for jobs and post your resume online on some of the major job websites like Hotjobs,Monster and Careerbuilder. You can also search for jobs and post your resume on Craigslist. You could also search for jobs on websites like Simply Hired and Indeed. More information available at

    Should we start drilling for oil in the United State and stop out sourcing Jobs to far away lands?

    Seems to me this would go a very long way to helping our countries finances Greatly.Should we start drilling for oil in the United State and stop out sourcing Jobs to far away lands?
    That is a good idea. It would make sense to use some of the oil revenue to fund alternative fuel research. That way we get energy now and they oil companies can make alternatives when they are perfected. The oil companies will make money now and will have alternatives to make money off in the future.Should we start drilling for oil in the United State and stop out sourcing Jobs to far away lands?
    The big oil companies have millions of acres that they have and aren't drilling on them.

    It's time for the government to seize them because it's our land anyway, give them to wildcat companies (Which are usually small businesses by the way), and create tons of jobs for the American People.
    i am all for it, the question is HOW are you going to do that? the devil is in the details.
    Someone needs to give the oil companies a swift kick in the *** to get them going.
    There are thousands of permits out there that have oil. The companies choose not to drill to keep the price high.

    What are jobs like in the oil feil?

    Are job duties difficult in the oil industry. What are the conditions on the rigs? How is the safety regulated? Do most jobs in the oil industry mostly physical labor, or do the jobs very?What are jobs like in the oil feil?
    Most jobs in the oil and gas industry and very well paying, providing you have the motivation. You usually do have to work outside in the heat, cold, rain, snow, and whatever else. I would suggest you learn to read and write properly if you ever plan to move beyond entry level. That's where the money is. It is usually fairly safe, but has moments where it is very dangerous and things happen quickly, you have to be able to think and act fast.

    Since we are in a recession with many jobs lost is it fair oil company to raise gas prices continually now?

    When this recession started the oil companies lowered the oil prices due to lowered demand due to the recession and job losses and now they are being raised sometimes more than once daily when even more jobs has been lost and the oil companies are acting like everything is back to normal so up with the price of gas and oil. So much greed...Since we are in a recession with many jobs lost is it fair oil company to raise gas prices continually now?
    You're JUST recognizing the greed of the American and European corporate interests...

    It's not even just greed.

    These are power-hungry people who will take whatever action necessary to ensure their domination of the world.

    They don't flinch at the thought of draining the pockets of the citizens...Since we are in a recession with many jobs lost is it fair oil company to raise gas prices continually now?
    If oil were taken off of the “comity market” and not traded the same was as pork bellies, perhaps someone could do something about the Oil Companies reaping record profits.

    I’m sorry to say, until then - we are at the mercy of speculators.
    Everyone is raising prices. Plus, creditors are more aggressive than ever. Looks like one big conspiracy to completely destroy the middle class to me.

    I don't know if it's greed or the last gasp of capitalism.
    You're a idiot. Oil is traded just like a potato is. The oil companies do not set the price! It's what traders on the mercantile exchange decide on. Do some homework instead of relying on morons.
    You're right, they should lower their prices to help people out - charge less than they pay for crude, as a matter of fact, and go out of business. But they won't do that because they're so greedy.
    The government makes far, far, more on each and every gallon of gasoline in taxes than the oil companies do.

    Wake up and smell the coffee.
    Look @ all the fuel BO is burning with his NYC date and his soon to be vacation to Paris. Living like a rock star lol...
    speculation on crude oil is bring it up. Thought we were going to take care of this? Guess another lie told.
    I thought it was all Bushes fault the oil prices were so high.
    Did you think that this wasn't coming ! Government motors will make sure they continue to go up until we all need a juice box car ! They will do there very best to break us all to there will !

    Where can i find oil rig jobs?

    where can i find oil rig jobs.Where can i find oil rig jobs?
    At an oil rig

    How is Oil and Gas Industry related to Electrical engineering jobs?

    I don't understand how oil and gas industry has anything to do with electrical engineering jobs??

    Am I not seeing this because currently I am working as a electronics engineer ?

    This is how I am thinking about this - Oil and gas industry , digs up oil , provides it to our cars and trucks so they can run. Now I don't understand how or where ';Electrical engineers'; come into play into this ?? Please make me understand. I want to know.

    P.s: I am an entry level electronics engineer, with a degree in ';Electrical engineering'; , Currently I am located in Houston, texas.How is Oil and Gas Industry related to Electrical engineering jobs?
    The oil and gas industry may more be well known to hire chemical engineers or geologists, but EEs are definitely around. For example, chemical processes in refineries have to be monitored and controlled. The computer network that controls these processes have to be designed and implemented by the help of EEs. Electrical power also needs to be delivered to various processes. These type of work are not the typical EE work like developing microprocessors or printed circuit boards.How is Oil and Gas Industry related to Electrical engineering jobs?
    Electronics is a narrow field within electrical engineering. You're missing the big picture. Electricity doesn't create itself. Electricity, whether generated by oil or water power, needs to be harnessed and controlled for delivery through the grid. And per your example, gas fuels your car, but also powers the electrical system so the car will work.

    Are you a member or familiar with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers? You should definitely look at their website for more information about the entire scope of electrical engineering careers and industries.
    This website will show you jobs in your discipline in the oil and gas industry. Take a good look at the descriptions to find out what the work could involve, and follow a trail on the internet to see where you could use your skills in your local area. You will need to think about travel at some point though, in this industry.
  • windows live
  • Approximately how many jobs will be lost if all the oil companies and oil drillers in America shut down?

    I'm doing a debate project on it and I need to know about how many jobs will be lost if that happens.Approximately how many jobs will be lost if all the oil companies and oil drillers in America shut down?
    Honestly, I would assume short term if it happened today it would be catastrophic in terms of job loss. Not only in the oil industry but the automotive and then in turn because people couldn't get to work without transportation it would be really bad.

    Now in terms of just the oil companies, if they shut down it is likely that another form of energy would be in existence such as hydrogen etc and in this case the oil people would just switch over to the new industry and it would not be too bad. It really depends on the circumstances of the oil companies closing their doors.Approximately how many jobs will be lost if all the oil companies and oil drillers in America shut down?
    Literally millions, probably tens of millions.

    The oil companies feed the pharmaceutical industry and most manufacturing industries. It would be catastrophic. There again, Exxon Mobil is the last company that's going to be shutting up shop, so it's a slightly unrealistic argument.
    All the jobs in the USA will be lost. No gas, no trucks, cars, busses, planes, etc. No transportatin means no shipments, no customers and no business. Think about it.
    many jobs will be lost try looking on for oil well info they will be able to give you a better # estimate

    Are they any media jobs with oil or natural gas companies?

    Preferbly in Houston, TXAre they any media jobs with oil or natural gas companies?
    They are always looking for media help. To help with advertising, public relations, investor relations, and employee relations.Are they any media jobs with oil or natural gas companies?
    They are not desperate today! But they soon will be!!!

    Are there any HSE oil & gas safety jobs in east Texas ?

    I am looking for a Safety job in the oil %26amp; gas industry right now. Limited experience but catch on quick. I would really love to go offshore to get the experience. Any suggestions?Are there any HSE oil %26amp; gas safety jobs in east Texas ?
    you can take a look at this site. It has many references where u can find oil and gas job

    What are the scop for jobs in china in oil exploration field.?

    I need to know is there any chance for foreigner to get job in oil exploration field?What are the scop for jobs in china in oil exploration field.?
    Excellent Scope!!

    Indian Companies along with other are eying on the resources.

    Indian Oil is currently looking for such oppertunities.

    Go Ahead with Great Vigour.

    Note : Russia is much more prosporous and trustworthy in this regard.What are the scop for jobs in china in oil exploration field.?
    many jobs for foreigners,oral english teaching etc.

    How many oil field jobs did Obama create or save?鈥?/a>

    We still run on oil and natural gas and will for decades to come no matter what new technologies are developed today.How many oil field jobs did Obama create or save?
    Barry claims he created 150,000 jobs. What about the 4.5 million (oops, 3.5 million) jobs he promised to ';save or create?'; The only jobs this nitwit created were temporary or government jobs. In other words, it's just another lie!How many oil field jobs did Obama create or save?
    Zero. Cap and trade is a tool of the fake global warming alarmists--and when we all are sitting by the campfire (which will be your kitchen), maybe we will all wake up.
    I have no idea. I haven't seen any figures.
    I hope he hasn't created *any*.

    Oil is the past. Try moving into the future.
    None, zip, nada

    Why are all the best geo jobs with oil companies?

    NOTE: i thought better of it and deleted ...';MONEY-GRUBBING oil companies';Why are all the best geo jobs with oil companies?
    you answered it-$$$$$. Then again it depends on what you definition of best is in this case.Why are all the best geo jobs with oil companies?
    I'm going to assume that what you are referring to is the way that all the oil companies are hiring the crazy. There's a fairly simple reason why that is happening. For a really long time, from the late 70s until only a few years ago, the price of oil was low. The oil companies went through fairly difficult times during this period, and a lot people got laid off. Also, they didn't hire any new people. That last point is the real key to answering your question. Over the last 5 years or so, the oil companies have realised that because of their lack of hiring, all of their skilled staff will be starting to retire in the next few years. So unless they hire a LOT of people, and soon, two things will happen: a) they won't have enough employees, b) their new employees won't be able to benefit from the expertise of the old-hands. Throw in the surge in oil prices (and hence the need to locate and produce more oil), and you have the recipe for a massive increase in hiring!
    I agree with Doug C. The oil companies have more money than other places geologists might work, such as universities.

    ';Although it missed estimates, Exxon's earnings were no small number. The $8.4 billion first quarter profit means the company made $1,080 a second.';
    Dear XOOM - The short answer to your polemnic and childish question is that money grubbing oil companies are willing to pay for the highest quality people they can get. The economic system in which we all live values oil finders more than it does earth science teachers. Now what is with the attitude about oil companies? In case you hadn't noticed ALL corporations and I mean ALL are in their respective business to make money for the stockholders....oil companies are no exception. Get a life....
    The definition of best is a bit contrived here. You have to be aware that any oil companies expects a master's degree and you basically working your butt off for them; nights, weekends, whatever it takes to find the next major play. Oil companies like mining companies employ geologists in an exploratory fashion. Basically they are the people who make the decision where to drill or excavate based on the available geophysical data. In a good ';oil'; economy i.e. oils prices are high, it is more prudent for an oil company to spend more money on a geologist. In a bad economy, the exploration team especially the least experienced members are usually the first to get the axe.

    If you are looking for a geo-job, hydrologists are becoming indispensable. Environmental remediation as well as health and safety officers have always been the friend of a geologist. And there is geotechnical engineering which focuses more on the engineering application of soil and rock. I guess what I am getting at is that there are more opportunities out there than just oil companies which could possibly yield better compensation and benefits.
  • windows live
  • What are oil jobs, what to learn to get oil exploration job?

    sorry i cant help, but this is a good question

    Where do i find off shore oil rig jobs?

    i have 63 college credits and am interested in finishing my degree via correspondance, i have had a huge interest in off shore drilling, but i can't find any sites i don't have to pay for to find information on it. anyone help me where i find information on it!Where do i find off shore oil rig jobs?

    That should help. I'm pretty sure it's freeWhere do i find off shore oil rig jobs?
    When I was Temping, the company 'Honeywell' dealt with oil rig based offshore work. Not sure about drilling, but fitting gas scanners sounded quite exciting. I was not qualified enough though. :-(

    How many loyal Democrat union workers have lost their auto jobs due to dem oil policies?

    chopping off the hand that feeds? it was the coal miners during the clinton years.How many loyal Democrat union workers have lost their auto jobs due to dem oil policies?
    Unreasonable pay and benefit demands from the UAW has broken the back of the car companies. The days of Unions are over. All UAW officials do is get fat from the workers dues,while we pay $25,000.00 for a crappy car. Yet our Dem congress continues to stand in the way of our drilling off our own coast. And all the UAW workers vote for them!!How many loyal Democrat union workers have lost their auto jobs due to dem oil policies?
    There are several reasons oil is so expensive. Very little of it has to do with any policies the democrats are in favor of and none of it is due to what the democrats have done, since they've only had slim control of the house and senate for a year and a half and can't get anything significant past without being blocked by the minority or the president, both of which are republicans.

    Among the principal reasons for the high oil prices, the war in Iraq is a major one, as is the general unrest in the middle east. Another is the increase in energy usage by China, India and many other countries. Another is the OPEC cartel. Another is the lack of refineries. Another is the oligopoly in the oil market that stiffles competition (not as bad as the outright cartel that OPEC has, but still has a major market effect which is why they make rediculous profits, rather than putting that money into setting prices lower than their competitors). Yet another is a lack of research funds for renewable energy sources. And another is though to be excessive price bidding by speculators in the market (an oil bubble). Not tapping in to the full reserve of US oil has an effect, but it is negligable compared to these others and if we were to drill for oil in Alaska, it would be years before we saw any effect and even then it would be negligable. We'd be far better off preserving the Alaskan wilderness and reducing our oil requirements with increased use of wind and other alternatives.

    And that's just partially addressing one aspect of your question, there are several other things wrong with your statements.
    Well, the union movement has been somewhat blind, concentrating on fighting the Republicans, who attack them outright.

    Yes, Republicans are an enemy to labor, but a frontal attack is easy to detect. The gelding and harnessing tactic, which is what the ';Democratic Party'; faction of big business uses to attack labor, is a little more subtle.

    And since the union leaders are often in bed with D.P. politicians, they are certainly not going to call their members' attention to that threat.

    American workers need a labor party, and to stop supporting the Democratic Party (not very democratic!) or the Republican Party (so un-republican they're practically royalists!).

    ';Without a party, with a substitute for a party, or against its party, the working class cannot prevail.'; - Leon Trotsky
    The unions know that the true enemies are the Republicans. That's why the unions support the Democrats.

    The Republicans consistently encourage outsourcing of every possible job in order to reduce labor costs and increase profits. Coal perhaps could be turned into clean energy but it would be extremely expensive and that expense and focus should be on clean energy technologies that could employ many workers.
    They do not realize that not only the stranglehold the union had on those companies who left, but the increased price of oil was and still is a huge factor in jobs lost.

    When you stop continuing to make a profit, you some times have to either close your doors or mve to company friendly surroundings. You cannot pay huge wages and loose money paying higher front end costs.

    Auto companies and their subsidiaries, and many other types of jobs as well were lost.

    Both parties have embraced the globalist policies that have moved head of household jobs to Mexico and China.. But the Democratic party allowed too much power be concentrated into National Labor unions with one 1 or 2 people at the top. This in effect was the reverse of anti trust legislation. Employer sponsored healthcare was the death of the American assembly job. They legacy payments made onshore production unprofitable when competing with foreign production .
    It has nothing to do with oil policies dipshit. It has to do with Detroit's unwillingness and or inability to change. Its not the Democrats who are to blame when Detroit continues to build gas guzzling vehicles that nobody wants to buy anymore.
    None. If we had raised CAFE standards back in 2000, our auto exports would be thriving right now thanks to high oil prices.

    How many people have lost their jobs due to hubris and short sightedness? Now there's a number that keeps on growing.
    do some real research yamster before you write any more BS on something you have no idea w.t.f. your talking about .all this was due to outsourcing of American jobs through the Bush administration years .
    Oil policies are not causing job losses in the auto industry. The auto industry is not staying competitive with Toyota, Honda, and Nissan.
    i thought they lost their jobs mainly due to outsourcing and greedy republican ceo's, no?
    Most have lost their jobs due to outsourcing, nothing to do with oil.
    I see that you're still trying to break the record for the most questions on a subject you know nothing about.
    Since OBAMA will be our first AFRICAN AMERICAN President, will you stop talking about how much more protective and privileged your WHITE LIFESTYLE is over other BLACK and HISPANIC AMERICAN CITIZENS because you live in a gated community with other WHITE PEOPLE who are given extra contributions to their 401k plan from WHITE CEOs and WHITE BOARD MEMBERS?


    Is it possible to find jobs in oil and gas if you are a graduate of Geothermal engineering?

    The oil and gas companies are desperate for new blood. There are so few geologic majors out there now and all the old guys are retiring. If you have a half decent brain and are willing to learn I am sure you can find a job in petroleum.Is it possible to find jobs in oil and gas if you are a graduate of Geothermal engineering?
    Actually, Your kind are rare. You should start an alternative energy company. Those are gaining popularity, and you could use stuff thats already been invented (steam power, thermocouples, etc.

    How to find oil or construction jobs in Norway?

    Hello everyone,

    I want to find a job (as a blue-collor worker) to work in oil or construction company in Norway. But I do not know how to look for these, or ...? I live in Romania, Europe.

    If someone knows any company name, any sites or links please let me know asap. Thanks to all of youHow to find oil or construction jobs in Norway?
    Try NAV, but it's all in Norwegian

    Be aware that on the Norwegian side there's a high expectation of training and education, this isn't the US!

    The largest Norwegian company operating are Statoil, but a lot of platform jobs are through agencies and subcontractors, so back to NAVHow to find oil or construction jobs in Norway?
    About jobs in Norway can be read in

    Oil Industry Jobs - How Much Does a Career in The Oil & Gas Industry Pay?

    It varies according to experience, but here's a breakdown of the average pay:

    0-2 years experience %26gt;%26gt; $82,800 per year

    3-5 years experience %26gt;%26gt; $107,800 per year

    6-9 years experience %26gt;%26gt; $119,800 per year

    10-14 years experience %26gt;%26gt; $121,100 per yearOil Industry Jobs - How Much Does a Career in The Oil %26amp; Gas Industry Pay?
    Wages in the range of $50,000 to $80,000 even for fresh employees.
  • windows live
  • Oil and gas jobs in usa where did they go?

    no work in okla,shut down ,if there is work in the oil field were is it?Oil and gas jobs in usa where did they go?
    Here is a site that talks all about oil and gas jobs in Oklahoma.鈥?/a>

    Here is another site that may help you.鈥?/a>Oil and gas jobs in usa where did they go?
    There all going to mexico to avoid obamas cap and trade plan. Good paying jobs gone becouse of the obama.
    al gore and his tree huggers shut them down.

    Where can I look to find jobs working on an oil rig?

    I've recently moved to Houston. I'm trying to pay off some debt and put away some money. I have a little experience in a lot of different areas, but nothing that will pay well.

    I've heard that rig hands can make $70k or more for a one year contract.

    Where can I find jobs to work on oil rigs? Everything that I find when I search wants you to pay to see jobs.Where can I look to find jobs working on an oil rig?
    Since you're living in Houston, you've reached the Oz of the oil and gas industry in the U.S.

    There are many entry level well paying jobs in the industry, and they are not all confined to working on rigs. Three immediate places I can think of contacting are given below.

    If you're interested in working on a rig the entry level position is called a ';roustabout';.

    If these don't provide you any leads as to who to call, try searching for ';oil industry services'; + Houston, or ';rig hands wanted'; + Houston. Another source that many people seem to forget is the old-fashioned yellow pages.

    Bear in mind that the reason people are paid well is because the jobs are very demanding physically and emotionally.


    Exploration and Producing Operations

    800 Bell Street

    Houston, Texas 77002

    (713) 656-3636

    Texas Energy Alliance

    Houston Office

    3701 Kirby Dr., Ste 962

    Houston, TX 77098

    (713) 529-6707

    (713) 529-6855 Fax Note: that's oil trash, not oil rashWhere can I look to find jobs working on an oil rig?
    have you tried all the big companies? i work for baker hughes and I know they make waaaaaay more than 70k. some younger 30 something guys are pulling in 160k for 6months worth of work.

    I think the schedule was like 4 months on 1 off, but can't say for sure. more non degreed engineers come up the ranks through field work than just taking on more MS degrees to management.

    If you are really interested, I work for Baker Hughes Inteq and I support our R%26amp;D mechanical acoustic department. Contact me directly and I can put your resume in our internal database.

    Where's the best place to look for oil rig jobs?

    Im trying to get a catering job on the oil rigs. Im ex RAF. Can anyone tell me where the best place to look is? I have tried 2 google it but nothing exact is coming up!

    Thanks, AngieWhere's the best place to look for oil rig jobs?
    in an oil rig ffs???Where's the best place to look for oil rig jobs?
    In the North Sea.

    When we go green under Obama's plan what will happen to the oil and coal workers jobs?

    Maybe I am missing something Green Jobs don't create jobs they just transfer them like slight of hand. ';Create or save?'; CYA.When we go green under Obama's plan what will happen to the oil and coal workers jobs?
    What on earth can they be replaced with at this point? Wind and solar are totally inefficient. Nuclear would be great but it takes years to build a plant. Plus Obama doesn't like it.When we go green under Obama's plan what will happen to the oil and coal workers jobs?
    Coal is where America gets most of it's energy from as far as someones house and the electricity. I think this whole Go Green thing isn't going to go very far! He says he wants to create jobs? He's creating unemployment while he's creating a few jobs here and a few jobs there.
    The Oil workers are gonna soon start the Oil Riggs up. In North Dakota at what is called the Bakken Oil Range, the plans for drilling is not far off. This Oil range is better in size, quantity and quality then in Alaska or Texas. Even better the Saude Arabia. President Obama stands firm on tapping into America's Oil Resources. So cool your jets, and Jobs will be created , soon. Have Faith and stop thinking so Negative. Negative Thinking is Destructive.
    We will all be F****D! Green jobs... That's an excuse for TAX HIKES!
    Lots of green jobs are being created-- Serious Materials re-opened a shuttered window plant, former Maytag workers are now making wind turbines.

    Those old companies weren't closed by ';green';, but the workers were saved by it.
    They will be let go or become government workers.
    Obama already said he would take coal down because it was the biggest producer of Global Warming before he was even elected. He is going to tax the sh** of of energy suppliers, which is the trickle up effect. No he won't tax us, he will blame it on your energy suppliers, who will have to raise their rates to reflect his taxes. Tax breaks to to middle class A**!
    They wont be going anywhere you will still need them for the days that the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow. Unless people are willing to go without electricity.
    Im a logger . Who's gonna make the *** wipe?
    Obama's idea of ';change'; seems to be to leave everything ';the same,'; so I don't think any of that is going anywhere anytime soon.
    He never said shut down the coal and oil industries. He said reduce dependence on foreign oil and apply clean coal technology.

    Solar, wind, oil and coal technologies will exist side by side

    Don't be idiotic in your criticism.
    Until all the oil wells run dry and all the coal is gone they will still have jobs regardless of who or what is in Washington. Yo Gipper the typewriter industry has not been wiped out!!!
    The depression will get worse
    Obama's a union flunky, forget all that ';green'; BS.
    We can never ';go green';. That's a hype. Follow the money to see who is benefiting from the ';going green'; movement. How much is Al Gore worth now? How did he make his money? Who else is cashing in?
    Haven't you realized that obama does not care about a single American. All that matters to him is his agenda. He will do whatever it takes, destroy whoever he has to, trample the constitution as needed, all to fulfill his personal agenda.
    They will have opportunity in the Job Corps!
    they'll become wards of the state like everybody else!!!
    If there are 4 million people still working in 2012, then Obama can claim that he DID save 4 million jobs.
    Details details. Don't bother the man with details. You have to look at the big picture which of course only he can see.
    We'll all go green and broke under his bankrupt envirostatist scams.
    So, we should not adopt any new technologies because it might hurt the people working in the old technology? Using that logic, we wouldn't have adopted cars in the first place on account of the damage it would do to the people who depended on the horse for a living. Didn't PCs wipe out the typewriter industry? Are you a Luddite or something?

    What is the best way for a college student to get a summer job in Alaska? Specifically oil pipeline jobs.?

    Im just looking for a way to get a pipeline job for the summer to help pay for college. i hear they pay really well.What is the best way for a college student to get a summer job in Alaska? Specifically oil pipeline jobs.?
    Oil and pipeline jobs are NOT summer jobs.

    What is this question doing under ';Health Care';?

    Can a color blind person take up oil & gas design jobs?

    Can a color blind person apply for design jobs such as Piping Engineer, Structural Engineer etc.?

    As far as I'm concern, the analysis results of FEA software such as Caesar II, ANSYS, Abaqus, Orcaflex, Flexcom are all color coded.

    Therefore, I would like to know whether it is possible for a color blind person to take up these jobs?Can a color blind person take up oil %26amp; gas design jobs?
    I don't see why not. Changing the color preference in each of those programs shouldn't be too hard.

    Besides when you say someone is color blind it doesn't mean they cant see all colors. They just have some level of difficult discerning between two color, (red/green or Blue/purple).
  • windows live
  • Where can I get good information on Alberta oil rig jobs?

    Looking for reliable information on Alberta oil rig jobs....actual pay scales...age limits...physical requirements....job availability...winter conditions.Where can I get good information on Alberta oil rig jobs?
    Salaries start at USD$ 300 per day for Roustabouts.

    Roughnecks (drill deck workers) can earn up to $355 per day. This would translate to an annual salary of $USD 47,500. From here it is possible to be promoted to a Driller. In this case the daily rate is likely to be around the $420.00 mark, translating to $56,250 per annum.

    Tool Pusher and Drill Leader positions (Chief and Supervisor's positions respectively), allow you to earn between $75,000 - $100,000 per annum.

    Working aboard an oil rig is hard work, however the facilities are excellent. Many of the accommodation wings meet hotel standards, despite being located in the middle of the ocean. All food, board and laundry expenses are usually met by the employer - and the foods are of exceptional quality. All transfer and travelling expenses to and from offshore oil rig drilling jobs are also met by the employer.

    Another considerable benefit is that most personnel work in a 14 / 21 day rotation. This means you will work for 14 days, and will get 21 off. This translates to holidays for 3/5 of the year.

    Prior to securing offshore oil drilling rig jobs, it is advisable to have experience with land based rigs. This gives you the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge required to work effectively in an offshore environment.

    Once workers have mastered the entry level positions on rigs, they will usually be given the opportunity to progress to more difficult or responsible positions. Along this route, on-the-job training is usually given. This may be handled in a variety of ways, including job shadowing, mentoring and coaching.

    Oilcareer is your number one source for oil and gas employment, guaranteeing you a job in the next 90 days!Where can I get good information on Alberta oil rig jobs?
    The rigs in Alberta are going through a ';soft'; market right now, so jobs aren't as plentiful as they were a few months ago. The cost of natural gas is down so there isn't as much activity as usual.

    If you have never worked on the rigs before, you start out either as a lease-hand or roughneck. Then you move up to floor-hand (it's usually called motors), then derrick hand, where you work up high on the derrick and guide the pipes, then driller.

    The minimum age you can be is 18. As for physical requirements, it can be very demanding. Extremely cold in the winter, often 30 or 40 below and also hot in the summer. You work 2 weeks of 12 hour shifts then get 1 week off. Shift change is either at 7:30 or 8:00, depending on the company. In the winter, you are often in camp which can be either very close to the rig or sometimes you have to drive a few hours. Hot lunches are always brought out from camp. If you're not in camp, you are on your own, so pack lots!

    I'm not sure what you earn to start anymore. I have both a driller and a rig manager living here. A driller usually takes home about $5,000 every 2 weeks. A rig manager earns closer to $10,000 every 2 weeks....depending on how many days you get in. These guys earn $100/day tax free living allowance plus their wage. I think a driller earns around $36/hr with tons of overtime. My guess would be that you start out at around $24/hr plus living allowance. So the pay is really good, but you always have to allow for rain-outs and shut-downs....where you don't get paid at all. I think it works out to about $60,000/yr when you start out, but it grows quite quickly. A rig manager earns about $250,000/yr.

    I would apply at all the drilling companies and see what kind of a response you get. They say that all the rigs will be up and running in about a month or so.

    Hope this helps!

    Oil and gas job search? Can someone please provide a website where i can search for these specific jobs?

    i have tried career builder and monster but they are extremely spammed now! So i need something new or just with not as much spam.Oil and gas job search? Can someone please provide a website where i can search for these specific jobs?
    The Best site i found and used for Oil and Gas jobs, actually help me create a resume and held my hand through the entire job progress.

    - They gave me FREE resume tips and other helpful job hints

    - Delivered my resume to over a 1000 different Oil Rig Employers who were currently hiring.

    If you are serious about obtaining i definitely recommend you check this site out: and gas job search? Can someone please provide a website where i can search for these specific jobs?
    Your state/county websites

    Are there OIL Service jobs in Calgary available now ?

    I am a Middle Eastern oil service Engineer with 10 years of experince in the oil drilling industry , with multi national companies , and I am comming to Canada in a few weeks , so any on knows how the oil service job matket looks like ??

    Thank you in advancedAre there OIL Service jobs in Calgary available now ?
    Due to the recession, Calgary is experiencing a slowdown. According to most economists, they are expecting Canada to rebound economically either late 2010 or early 2011.Are there OIL Service jobs in Calgary available now ?
    Not many. Summer is always the slow time and we are in a resession. But it should pick up in the next few months.

    How to get one of those high paying jobs in the oil fields?

    I have a Business Degree and would like to move to Alberta to work at the oil fields, where should I look?How to get one of those high paying jobs in the oil fields?
    Having a Business Degree won't necessarily mean you'll find a job out in the oil fields. You may of course find a position with an company who works in the field. The are lots of oil field related companies within any one of the cities. You should know that while moving to Alberta may sound like a good idea you should also be aware of some of the drawbacks. The top one is the vacancy rate for housing which is at approx. 1% and the costs of housing is climbing. It doesn't matter whether you choose Calgary, Edmonton or Fort McMurray - the same thing applies.

    The following are companies in the field you are looking. Please check the websites for position openings.鈥?/a>

    The next one will take you to several companies鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Hope these are of help - these are all oil field ralated companies.

    Good Luck

    Can somebody help me with finding companies that are recruiting for oil rigs jobs or addresses?

    or direct link for oil rigs?Can somebody help me with finding companies that are recruiting for oil rigs jobs or addresses?
    Dont bother... Because of the reduced oil prices, most projects have been suspended... Meaning, it is highly unlikely anyone is hiring right now for any exploration/extraction job..

    Are engineering jobs in oil companies stable?

    Do you get sacked easily? Especially as a process/chemical engineer?

    Thanks!Are engineering jobs in oil companies stable?
    I'd say about any job with the oil industry right now is stable. They have all the $$$.Are engineering jobs in oil companies stable?
    we have never had higher demand for oil. To fuel our growing demand for oil (no pun intended) we will need to discover new oil and we will need engineers to build new refineries so to answer your question yes very much so.
    Well you can always get a job in the oil companies so you will not be out of a job.
  • windows live
  • If we kept the billions going to the arabs for oil, how many jobs could we generate?

    its not just about cheap gas, but we are sending our dollars to people who really don't like us. we need to keep the money here to fuel our economy. please call your represenitive and ask him or her to support developing our own resources.If we kept the billions going to the arabs for oil, how many jobs could we generate?
    many,especialy in the military.If we kept the billions going to the arabs for oil, how many jobs could we generate?
    That is one of the best arguments for developing our own coal and oil resources here in the states: We would keep more of our 700 BILLION dollars that we normally send to other countries in the US where it would help shore up our economy. It would reduce fuel prices and help hold down inflation too, and, contrary to democrat lies, would not take ten years to get to the market and have an impact. And, we need time to develop affordable alternatives to our current system. Don't kill the horse before you have invented and built the automobile...
    First of all, most of our oil comes from countries that have not nationalized their oil, and the profits are primarily going to western oil firms, not the people of the country where the oil was obtained. And even then, their profits are largely being invested in the west.

    And since oil is one the world's top two industries, one guess who is the top contributor to campaign financing and lobbying in the USA? You want your representative to go against the people who got him/her in office? Not likely.

    There are good sound reasons to wean the USA off foreign oil, but I don't see it happening any time soon because the rich and powerful who rule American profit from our dependency on oil. Damn sure neither McCain nor Obama is going to do a damn thing, maybe if the situation continues to get worse Americans will finally wake up and realize neither the Democrats nor the Republicans give a rat's a** about what is good for America, and we will get a long overdue housecleaning in Washington.

    I already have my ';Don't blame me, I voted for Ron Paul'; bumper sticker. :)
    Who made ';arabs'; and who made ';you';? Why don't you try to identify everybody as ';human being';?

    Where to find offshore oil rig jobs?

    My husband wants to work offshore on a oil rig becuase he says the pay is good. We live in Houston Tx, where can he go to apply and do you need experience? He is a hard worker and has always worked outside so he's used to working in the heat,rain,cold.

    For those of you that work on a oil rig how much do you actually make a year?Where to find offshore oil rig jobs?
    I guess the first step is to apply via online to major oil companies in your area. (exxon, conoco etc.)

    How do I get oil & Gas jobs in Kazakhstan?

    I'm searching for jobs in Kazakhstan, preferably in oil %26amp; gas (Piping Engineer). Give me links and details of recruiting companies and major employers in Kazakhstan.How do I get oil %26amp; Gas jobs in Kazakhstan?
    Try this site. I believe you can get info. on jobs, major employers and names of recruiting companies.

    Can i get the oil field jobs like process engineer with the help of steel plant experience?

    where we have used a natural gas as a fuel for process.Can i get the oil field jobs like process engineer with the help of steel plant experience?
    Process engineers are typically chemical engineers and work mostly with or in natural gas processing and refining plants.

    Has Obama Stated How We Can Keep Our Jobs As Oil Costs Continue To Rise?

    As far as I can tell the high gas prices have already created inflation, and major job lose. If we have to wait for Alternative Energy for 20 years or so whats the plan of action in the meantime that Democrats / Obama have for us?

    Majority Dems / Obama are against drilling where we have oil, against coal and against new Nuclear Clean Air Plants, so whats left?Has Obama Stated How We Can Keep Our Jobs As Oil Costs Continue To Rise?
    he already wants to give the jobs we have, to foreign workers

    Obama hates America workers:

    Barack Obama

    ';We can do better than that and go a long way toward meeting industry鈥檚 need for skilled workers with Americans. Until we have achieved that, I will support a temporary increase in the H-1b';Has Obama Stated How We Can Keep Our Jobs As Oil Costs Continue To Rise?
    What's left? Invading Iran should fix everything, the oil will pay for the war!...

    On a serious note, you're confused about what is cause and what is effect in the inflationary business cycle, when you create more money, it's value decreases, but this doesn't happen across the board, normally the money flows from asset to asset, this is why you can have simultaneous inflation in commodity prices and deflation in real estate.

    It's all very confusing for us consumers and so we don't really understand where the inflation is coming from, it's very easy to simply blame it on oil prices, but the oil prices are a symptom of fractional reserve banking, and Obama has absolutely no interest in talking about US monetary policy, but you can't exactly fault him for that, very few politicians are eager to address America's paralysing debt slavery...

    Where can I find oil field jobs in Canada?

    I am thinking about getting a job for a few months in northern alberta up in the oil field. I am a young woman and I don't want something dangerous maybe as a waitress or a first aid attendant or something. Any ideas of where I can find a list of jobs???Where can I find oil field jobs in Canada?
    Oil fields jobs are available in a few locations in Alberta. Obviously, Fort McMurray is the winner here. You should try searching these jobs on a job search engine such as that gets jobs from numerous locations.

    Here's a link to jobs in Fort Mcmurray;l=FORT+MCMURRAY%26amp;s=d%26amp;sr=25%26amp;t=30%26amp;e=%26amp;si=A%26amp;Dup=S

    Other cities such as Camrose, drumheller and edson also have oil and gas activities. Here's a link to jobs in these cities:;l=camrose%26amp;s=d%26amp;sr=25%26amp;t=30%26amp;e=%26amp;si=A%26amp;Dup=S;l=drumheller%26amp;s=d%26amp;sr=25%26amp;t=30%26amp;e=%26amp;si=A%26amp;Dup=S;l=edson%26amp;s=d%26amp;sr=25%26amp;t=30%26amp;e=%26amp;si=A%26amp;Dup=SWhere can I find oil field jobs in Canada?
    Oil fields are in the province of ALBERTA, there are two cities that they are currently producing oil Calgary and Edmonton. Good luck
    There are a few good job sites, links below, hopefully you can locate something...or at least some companies you can cold call.
  • windows live
  • Could you please let me know what is WHPT in off shore oil field jobs?

    In off shore WHPT stands for what? Based on inspectors report foreman should conduct site survey of WHPT. I don't understand what is WHPT- If anyone knows please reply.Could you please let me know what is WHPT in off shore oil field jobs?
    I am familiar with HPT for wells (high pressure and temperature). I do not know what the W is for (well, wire-line, water injector?) Unfortunately the whole oil production industry is riddled with acronyms. Time somebody produced a dictionary of same

    Alberta Oil Jobs - What is the Salary like in the Canada Oil & Gas Industry?

    I've come across some good opportunities in Calgary %26amp; Edmonton, Alberta.Alberta Oil Jobs - What is the Salary like in the Canada Oil %26amp; Gas Industry?
    It varies according to experience, but here's what the average salary looks like (applies to both Canada and US):

    0-2 years experience %26gt;%26gt; $82,800 per year

    3-5 years experience %26gt;%26gt; $107,800 per year

    6-9 years experience %26gt;%26gt; $119,800 per year

    What are the best countries for oil engineer jobs?

    I know times are extremely tough right now..

    But where are the best oil engineer/drilling manager jobs located at currently?

    For someone with 30 years experience.

    And was once a VP of a petroleum company.

    This isn't me obviously, but am just curious....where the best countries are for this type of job right now?

    Thanks.What are the best countries for oil engineer jobs?

    Here is the link you should definitely check out for all the country information! The information ranges from national anthem (lyrics, music notes, and music), country capital, famous tourist spots, currency, language, population, area, map, flag and much more!!!



    When do oil rig jobs shut down and start up for spring thaw?

    I've heard that oil rigs/sands jobs shut down in early spring while the ground thaws. How soon are they back up and running? Do they work through summer, or wait until fall when the ground starts to freeze up again?When do oil rig jobs shut down and start up for spring thaw?
    from the question, i am guessing you live up in canada somewhere.. where they do this. it has to do with being able to transport materials to rigsites... and until the ground is frozen again, work is shut down. this is true for the land rigs, not the offshore rigs.

    I want to get information on Oil Jobs in Alberta, Canada?

    Hi, I live in NY and just returned from 6 years of living overseas. It seems to be a lof of buzz about Canadian Oil Jobs. I'm interested in finding out ow I could get a job working there. I see so many 'pay for' websites that say they can help you but I'm always leery about those sites. Can anyone provide me with direct information on getting oil sand jobs in Canada?I want to get information on Oil Jobs in Alberta, Canada?鈥?/a>

    This may help you out. It lists jobs in Alberta working on the rigs.I want to get information on Oil Jobs in Alberta, Canada?
    Forget the other comments they are useless. I'm was born and raised in (alberta) Canada's oil rich province. ............then go to;lang=e Report Abuse

    Dont pay anyone to find you a job, this is a SCAM

    Oil jobs are harder to find for the most part, it kind of depends on who you know - who knows someones brother who knows this guy -- they arent always advertised.

    People work in the oil fields during the winter months, they dont work over the summer because the ground becomes too soft - you need to find the names of drilling companies, then search all their sites to get to where the jobs are actually advertised.

    There are a lot of different jobs in the oil patch, what are you qualified for? Looking for?

    You need a work visa, I would suggest you get on that now, it can take a long time

    click on this link and it has wealth of knowledge here.

    i am not into oil jobs but i came across this website a week back, so would like to share it with you since you are so interested in oil jobs.

    It is a wise decision and lots and lots of monies.

    good luck.