Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Has Obama Stated How We Can Keep Our Jobs As Oil Costs Continue To Rise?

As far as I can tell the high gas prices have already created inflation, and major job lose. If we have to wait for Alternative Energy for 20 years or so whats the plan of action in the meantime that Democrats / Obama have for us?

Majority Dems / Obama are against drilling where we have oil, against coal and against new Nuclear Clean Air Plants, so whats left?Has Obama Stated How We Can Keep Our Jobs As Oil Costs Continue To Rise?
he already wants to give the jobs we have, to foreign workers

Obama hates America workers:

Barack Obama

';We can do better than that and go a long way toward meeting industry鈥檚 need for skilled workers with Americans. Until we have achieved that, I will support a temporary increase in the H-1b';Has Obama Stated How We Can Keep Our Jobs As Oil Costs Continue To Rise?
What's left? Invading Iran should fix everything, the oil will pay for the war!...

On a serious note, you're confused about what is cause and what is effect in the inflationary business cycle, when you create more money, it's value decreases, but this doesn't happen across the board, normally the money flows from asset to asset, this is why you can have simultaneous inflation in commodity prices and deflation in real estate.

It's all very confusing for us consumers and so we don't really understand where the inflation is coming from, it's very easy to simply blame it on oil prices, but the oil prices are a symptom of fractional reserve banking, and Obama has absolutely no interest in talking about US monetary policy, but you can't exactly fault him for that, very few politicians are eager to address America's paralysing debt slavery...

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