Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How many high paying jobs will open up with oil exploration and renewed nuclear power within America

This would be a great opportunity for thousanda upon thousands of

god paying jobs for working families!!

...CHG...How many high paying jobs will open up with oil exploration and renewed nuclear power within America
Barack is right about one thing, we need ';change.'; Change from the liberal democrats.

The democrats have stopped us from drilling, stopped us from building refineries, stopped the construction of nuclear power plants and done everything in their power to make sure we are dependent on our enemies for energy. They will bring down the country if given half a chance.

Their handling of getting us enough energy at reasonable prices should make it obvious that they could care less about the people.

here is your star.How many high paying jobs will open up with oil exploration and renewed nuclear power within America
You're acting as though every square inch of the US hasn't already been explored. This is not the first nor is it even the worse ';oil crisis'; that the US has faced. The idea that there is billions of gallons of high grade, easily and economically obtained oil out there is just something to sooth them masses. ANWR, for instance, has enough oil to last about a decade considering current consumption rates. Worldwide oil peak isn't far off. Oil is a finite resource and the oil that we have is not all liquid or easy to get to. If you have to use 1-2 barrels to get 1 barrel, it's hardly worth it.
I believe thousands of new jobs will be created once we get back on our feet. People will once again to be able to afford to buy a home, new cars, and even go on vacation.Hopefully Americans have finally seen the light with the antics of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and will get those impediments to our common future out on the street where they belong.
it would create 10's of thousands of high paying jobs

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