Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Since we are in a recession with many jobs lost is it fair oil company to raise gas prices continually now?

When this recession started the oil companies lowered the oil prices due to lowered demand due to the recession and job losses and now they are being raised sometimes more than once daily when even more jobs has been lost and the oil companies are acting like everything is back to normal so up with the price of gas and oil. So much greed...Since we are in a recession with many jobs lost is it fair oil company to raise gas prices continually now?
You're JUST recognizing the greed of the American and European corporate interests...

It's not even just greed.

These are power-hungry people who will take whatever action necessary to ensure their domination of the world.

They don't flinch at the thought of draining the pockets of the citizens...Since we are in a recession with many jobs lost is it fair oil company to raise gas prices continually now?
If oil were taken off of the “comity market” and not traded the same was as pork bellies, perhaps someone could do something about the Oil Companies reaping record profits.

I’m sorry to say, until then - we are at the mercy of speculators.
Everyone is raising prices. Plus, creditors are more aggressive than ever. Looks like one big conspiracy to completely destroy the middle class to me.

I don't know if it's greed or the last gasp of capitalism.
You're a idiot. Oil is traded just like a potato is. The oil companies do not set the price! It's what traders on the mercantile exchange decide on. Do some homework instead of relying on morons.
You're right, they should lower their prices to help people out - charge less than they pay for crude, as a matter of fact, and go out of business. But they won't do that because they're so greedy.
The government makes far, far, more on each and every gallon of gasoline in taxes than the oil companies do.

Wake up and smell the coffee.
Look @ all the fuel BO is burning with his NYC date and his soon to be vacation to Paris. Living like a rock star lol...
speculation on crude oil is bring it up. Thought we were going to take care of this? Guess another lie told.
I thought it was all Bushes fault the oil prices were so high.
Did you think that this wasn't coming ! Government motors will make sure they continue to go up until we all need a juice box car ! They will do there very best to break us all to there will !

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