Friday, December 18, 2009

Oil at $120/barrell. Do silly US Senators and Congressmen really think they are going to keep their jobs?

I expect this from Republicans. But the new Democrats were sent in with a mandate from the American people and they have let the Corporations have their way as well.

Do US Senators and US Congressmen really think Corporate Hush Money in their Campaign Coffers are going to get them re-elected? Do they really?Oil at $120/barrell. Do silly US Senators and Congressmen really think they are going to keep their jobs?
Yes, because people still vote for these 2 corrupt parties and play their us against them game. until we finally start electing independents and limit terms nothing will change except the sucking sound from our wallets.Oil at $120/barrell. Do silly US Senators and Congressmen really think they are going to keep their jobs?
Here's a little secret: Your congressman has just as much control over the price of oil as he does over the price of a car or a large order of fries.

Your elected officials don't get into office with the intent to screw the people voting them in. It's a relatively easy job with great perks and a pretty good salary. They want to keep their jobs. They're doing all they can. Republicans and Democrats alike.
Something really does need to be done about oil prices and my solution will make people angry but we need to release our own oil reserves and start refining oil again if we ever want to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. And, I am sorry, but it is democrats who are against this. They want to cry and whine about the environment but we have to do something or the whole world is going to be in a major depression. It is just simple economics....the higher prices to ship goods means higher prices for consumers. If we really want to stop paying outrageous prices for gas, we need to find legislators who are not afraid to stand up against special interest groups and do the right thing.
I think in the interests of Global Warming and the environment in general, we should stop ALL drilling and exploration of oil, gas and mining of coal in the US. We should import all of our energy needs, paying money to Socialist, Communist and Islamic countries for our energy needs. This will allow them to afford massive armies with the best equipement available. Before long, they will be more powerful than us and will no longer fear us. Then they will have no reason to attack us as we will not pose a threat.
The rising price of oil is primarily due to the collapsing dollar. This is due to the Republican spending spree of the last 7 years. The Dems have cut oil company subsidies and reduced the deficit but you can't pay off that much debt in one year.

I'm voting the rest of the Reps out so we can stop all the vetoes and filibusters and get more done.
it is pathetic that so many know so little about economics, oil prices are controlled totally by the speculators, our oil reserves would not even be noticeable less than 1/2 a day supply. If people a stupid enough to blame politicians that is part of the democrats play book. The owner of big oil are the stockholder and my oil stocks are making me money. Corporations DO NOT PAY TAXES levy taxes against any corporation and all they do is raise the price of the product
What is the Answer you have sighted a very obvious problem,

what do you offer as a solution to see De Train Wreck. Do

we make a refinery magically appear. Do we demand oil

producing nations who are at maximum output, make more

magically appear. Competition from other countrys for oil

has increased 20 fold. And now we are paying the price for

past administrations Mindless approach to doing nothing

back when they said they would.. And THank you for your

honesty and candor,, this is a dem and pub issue,, not just

one side.. That is why there combined approval rating is

now 11%. and Bush the sworn enemy of the left is at 28 %.

Pretty bad on both counts I would say,

We have alternatives, what we don't have are solutions.

Our alternatives are pump our own crude,, with no adequate

refinery space. so we lose there, Devils workshop so to

speak. There is not a quick fix here I'm sorry,, we are years

away from the new refinery completion in TX. and we need

3 more of them. We have to change our habits. If everyone

who drives a vehicle in this country were to stop for 6 hours

a week... You could bring down pump prices by 2.00 a gallon

on a continual basis, But we will never do that,, selfish people

that we are,, so until then we have to pay the price for bad

government and leadership and our own stupidity,
If they left gets its way and creates a so called Socialist Health care plan - Gas will be 12.00 per gallon. Canada has a National health care plan and that's exactly what they pay per gallon. It is a TAX to have this so called plan. A 27 gallon tank will cost you 324.00 - How many poor could afford a job on minimum wage. At $300. a week.

SUPPLY AND DEMAND - This is driving the price up currently. If the American people would STOP! buying the gasoline and sacrifice the price would drop.

If the Teamsters would strike - If the truckers would park their rigs and shut down our economy - The price of gasoline would drop. This would force the Government to do something.

Until the American people STOP purchasing gasoline we will suffer the consequences. If you want something done - you have to do something.
sure they will keep thier jobs, americans dont vote and that will ensure thier term in office. if we really want the prices lowered we have to show the government that we wont take the price hike. buy a moped or take public transportation, as individuals we have to take a stand in our own ways....
Wellllll, I wish they would lose their jobs , but whos going to fire them . Nothing changes in this country , I love it here but politicians will always be corrupt and greedy . Were just screwed , maybe if the enviromentalist would let us dig for oil in alaska we would be okay .
Unfortunately we don't have a choice or voice...they are all the same, none of them care, very few of them have ever had a real job. They have never had to wonder how they would pay the mortgage this month. They spend our money like it was nothing...Congress wanted to give the Pope some kind of expensive award years ago...Ron Paul suggested they all chip in towards this stupid thing and NOBODY wanted any part of that! They'll get re-elected...and if not don't worry, there's a long line of people just like them waiting in the wings!
As long as the American people remain the most idiotic electoral force on the face of the planet.

As long as the corp whore media can help whatever politician do the song and dance and the corp whore media to twist the words of any truthful opposition.
Exactly what do you propose them to do about it ? Speculation and our huge national debt has made our dollar worthless and that more than anything is driving the price higher. America needs to wake the fk up and find alternative fuels and become independent of big oil like Brazil has.
Oil hasn't gone up.

The dollar has gone down.

The price of oil is flat when compared to the price of gold.

Watch this:鈥?/a>
They'll keep their jobs. Americans have a very short memory and always blame the wrong people.
I strongly doubt it.

I doubt anyone will have a job if it keeps going higher.
yeah, the Repubs will be a 3rd party after this election
Do you really feel a new batch of monkeys is going to change the jungle we live in? Be sensible here...
Obama doesn't want to help. So he needs to go too.
Yes they do The American public is to lazy to go to the voting booth and make a change that there jobs are secure

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